Stitching Words Together

My occasional blatherings

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Location: East Coast, United States

I'm the married mom of two, a boy 21 and a girl 17. Knitting is what I do to stay sane.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Complaining Post

A friend at my Sangha tried to convince me to quit my job today. She is about the third person in recent days to do so. I think that this is something I need to think about and talk to DH about more seriously. Not only am I miserable, my health is being affected. My back is killing me as a direct result of what I do on the job. I have a form of arthritis and this job is aggravating it. Yes we can use the money but I think we can get along without it too. I do need to get out of the house for my mental health, but this is not helping my mental health any. I don't know. The money situation is the real problem. While we wouldn't starve if I left the job, the money does help. I am looking around for work in my field but haven't found anything just yet. I need to work on pushing the other agency I get work from to get me more work so I can quit these people with a clear head. I'd love a resolution before mid December.

Today I am going for a makeover at a local Department store. I'm taking DD with me so we can shop for a new winter coat for her before hand. I really enjoy doing stuff like this with her and I've been so down in the dumps lately I really need the lift. Once of the things I've been doing to help with my bad attitude, due to the job, is to wear make-up every day, it has helped a bit. So the makeover is kind of part of that whole process. Yeah I know it's a come on to buy stuff, but I need some things anyway so I don't mind. I don't buy make-up very often so it's OK.

DS comes home for Thanksgiving Tuesday and I am excited. I have to rearrange my work schedule because DH cannot take off work early as I thought he could to pick him up and take him home. That means working the Friday after thanksgiving which I didn't want to do. I am hoping a co-worker will cover for me so that I don't have to but I doubt she will. This is one of the things I hate about this job, total lack of flexibility. Deadlines are kind of rigid and have to be met, you cannot just let one location miss a visit.

Food went a little off the last couple of days but not too badly we will have to see how it goes next week as I had to cancel and reschedule my nutritionist appointment also because of all the kid and work issues (God I sound like a real whiner in this entry don't I?) I'm sure I still had a weight loss as my clothes fit a bit better.

Well that's about it promise not to whine this much next time.


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