Stitching Words Together

My occasional blatherings

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Location: East Coast, United States

I'm the married mom of two, a boy 21 and a girl 17. Knitting is what I do to stay sane.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Me Again

I've not been on this blog for a long, long time. But I am considering reactivating it and using it as something of a journal. Not sure how long I'll continue or how often I will post but I think it will do me some good.

Right now I am embarking on my umpteenth try to do the Fly Lady program. I need some structure in my life and I hope I can use this to provide that structure, also my house is a wreck and needs to be cleaned up. I will go along with baby steps as she suggests, decluttering a bit each day and also, my own interpolation into the program, get some cleaning done daily. (she has a cleaning schedule but you don't start it right away and I don't want to give myself another excuse not to do the work) I get lots of anxiety when I clean. There are a lot of reasons for this, some arises from my past, some comes from the fact that I have mental health issues (OCD, and Bipolar Disorder but doing well with them thank you). The trick is to try and get past the anxiety, and make progress. I hope that writing on this blog will help me with the process.